
These past few months have been strange to say the least.

As the entire tri-state area was basically shut down, and all its residents in their homes. Something outside their walls was happening.

Suddenly, everyone really understood how important the blue collar man or woman is. We were out there, everyday, busting our ass. Sure the nurses and doctors and grocery store workers all got the love. I cannot thank them enough either. But I’m grateful for the men and woman who were out there in those service industries that when the shit hit the fan, they stepped up and made it work.

The landscapers took a lot of shit for turning on their blowers. But these things, as medial, as they seem. They are important. Property maintenance keeps our world and our ground water clean.

I’m proud of my men, who went out there everyday, and made it happen. We never stopped, we showed up and went to work. We stayed safe, we wear masks, gloves, booties. I sanitized the guys trucks every single night to keep everyone as safe as possible. Irrigation is as essential as it gets, just look at the dry weather we have upon us now.

To the essential worker, to those Irrigation guys out there, who never got the thank-you you deserve. I thank you, we all thank-you. Keep kickin ass.

